Thursday, May 17, 2012

That "THING" between Twins

Wow! It has been over 2 years since I have posted here. I think it is time to get back to blogging about my sweet babies. Well, not really babies anymore - they are 3! I forgot all about this and sadly about all of the other moms I was following. I have since found that several of the MOM's have had heartbreak whether it be from the loss of a child, a grim diagnosis or a divorce. I can only imagine how hard the loss of a multiple must be. I see my twins interact with eachother during just about every waking minute. Their emotions range from love, anger, jealousy & comfort (just to name a few) multiple times during the day. When they get in bed at night there is always that "goodnight and I love you with all my heart" feeling I get from them that is between them. I know they love eachother very much despite the hitting, biting, hair-pulling and name calling. Last night Billy and I had taken 2 vehicles to dinner at Alejandro's. We had met up at Dakota's BB practice after work. Brady decided to ride home with Billy and Cheyenne & Dakota were with me. Cheyenne was completely unaware of this until I started backing up my vehicle. She absolutely lost it. I was already figuring on a melt-down because SHE wasn't riding with her daddy in his truck. She surprised me. She wanted her brother. Through her tears and crying I could make out the words "my brother". When she finally settled down a bit she was saying "I want my brother. I want my Brady. I want him to go home with me." Not a single word about riding with daddy. She was still upset when we arrived home because her brother was not home yet. Billy and Brady had stopped at the bank to grab some cash. As soon as Cheyenne heard her daddy's truck she ran out of the bedroom hollering "Brady!". She was happy! After a 5 minute fight about who got to sit in which car seat at 8 o'clock in the morning and the child that did not get their way screaming all the way to school I figured it was just going to be one of those days you want to put behind you and forget about forever. I realized just how special this "thing" is that twins have. Yesterday turned into one of the days I will never forget.